Update on the EUFORI survey

Aug 19, 2013 | Category: CGAP News
First findings from the Europe-wide survey of foundation support for Research and Innovation (R&I), in which the UK is a participant, will be available early next year. The study is funded by the European Commission and led by the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam. All EU countries are included in the survey, and the UK study is being carried out by CGAP. Around 70 UK foundations and operating charities have provided information through an online survey. Data is currently being cleaned and analysed. At a recent survey workshop in Amsterdam, Dr Marita Kayamanidou from DG Research and Innovation in the EC, emphasised the importance of the foundation contribution to R&I in Europe, and that the survey would contribute to better EC understanding and policy both towards R&I and to foundations. Yvonne van Rooy, former President of the Executive Board of Utrecht University and board member of the GAK Institute Foundation, a major research funder, said that partnerships between universities, and the private and philanthropic sectors brought multiple perspectives and interests together, essential to the development of successful European enterprise in the future. CGAP is extremely grateful to the UK foundations who responded to the survey

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