- New blog by Beth Breeze on the Guardian's fundraising hub 'Charitable giving is often driven by personal taste, not perceived need'
- Read Cathy Pharoah's commentary on the Giving White Paper 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue..' (pdf).
- Following CGAP's workshop on philanthropy at the NCVO annual conference Michael Edwards reflects on philanthropy and the Big Society. 'Can Big Philanthropy Build the 'Big Society'?' (pdf). More on the workshop and panellists here.
- Cathy Pharoah's Third Sector column
- The plight of the vulnerable means that the sector must integrate its services. Cathy discusses the need for joined up services in her November column.
- The importance of scale is discussed in Cathy's October column, emphasising the shift from a big goverment to a big society. From big ideas to small steps, it's all become a bit Alice in Wonderland.
- Volunteering, self-help and mutualism will once again come to the fore, says CGAP co-director Cathy Pharoah in a new opinion piece entitled Spending cuts will reshape relations with beneficiaries and private donors
- Tax break changes could mean jam today but bread and water tomorrow. Cathy on encouraging the wealthy to give.
- Cathy Pharoah discussed Family Foundation philanthropy in the Charity Times 'Family foundations – a force to be reckoned with?' (pdf)
- Despite the severe recession, Beth Breeze finds much optimism in the sector from a philanthropic perspsective, with donors using the recession to analyse how they are giving, and showing commitment to staying the course. 'Reasons to be cheerful' (pdf)
- The future of income for foundations. Government must develop incentives for charitable giving
- Offering attractive options: What can current retail consumption tell us about donor spending in the recession? Cathy Pharoah and Robert Shaw. Read the article.
- The Symbolism of Giving: CGAP Researcher Kay Henderson analyses the influence on entrepreneurial philanthropy of economic, social, cultural and symbolic forms of capital. (pdf)
- A vote of confidence? How voting impacts corporate partnerships by Beth Breeze, CGAP Researcher based at the University of Kent.
- What are CGAP's views on the latest results for individual giving in the UK? See the survey.
- Cathy Pharoah: Trends in Giving during economic downturn. (pdf)
- Beth Breeze: Donors aren't dopes - The impact of the recession on charitable giving. (pdf)
- Eleanor Shaw: Giving, philanthropy, recession and the future. (pdf)
- Karl Wilding: Giving Giving Gone? Recent Trends in Charitable Giving in the UK. (pdf)
- Dr. Karl Wilding on voluntary taxation in Giving to Government (pdf)
- Beth Breeze responds in the Financial Times: The new age of philanthropy will not wither in these dark days in response to the article: Even in a recession, charitable giving can go up as well as down.
- Dr. Karl Wilding and Professor John Mohan on how the recession will affect charities (The Guardian) and also look at historical evidence on how economic downturns have affected charities in the past.
- Cathy Pharoah and Beth Breeze of the Centre for Charitable Giving and Philanthropy give views on impact of recession on philanthropy in the Guardian
- Guardian's January 'Public' magazine featured an article by Jenny Harrow on recession issues for the Sector.
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